Your video card is bored ?

You already fragged all your friends on-line ?

Want to play something new ?

It's time to try ...

Hall of fame


Full version web site

Download Latest version (v1.1)

   Latest news

2004-07-10 - Free for all !

Jalweg full version is now completly free ! Well, I never actually believed I was going to make money with this little game :-) But I liked the idea of creating a "complete product", with a web site, a registration and everything. Anyway, the full version is finally free, so please enjoy and have fun ! Goto the Full version web site

For the archive, the unregistered version is still downloadable.

2003-08-28 - Release of version 1.1

Network game is now available !! Try it and let me know :) This version also corrects a lot of small things, like the "CSimpleShader - OpenGL Error" that showed up when trying to launch the game in less than 32 bits colors.

Another major improvement is the game Launcher. This is a program allowing to launch Jalweg via a user friendly interface (or kind of :). It also allows to launch a Jalweg server and to search a local network for Jalweg servers.


   Your comments

These comments were taken from different web sites.  It is great to know that someone, somewhere, is having fun playing Jalweg :)

Pretty interesting Hugh. Quite an adicting time waster... 

Yah! Not and what not for a 4MB download. Ive only got up to the 4th level....damn monster ball chases my ass and zaps me ... Pretty addictive time waster!


Jalweg is based on a simple idea: you control a small sphere (the hero ) in a level and you are chased by at least one big metal sphere (a monster ). The goal is to destroy all the other spheres (the balls ) by making the monster colliding with them. If the hero collides with a monster it is destroyed ... and you lose. However the hero can safely collide with the balls. The idea is simple - but trust me, you will have a hard time to finish all the levels ! And if it is not enough, a game editor is included !

Provided that you have a recent graphics board (see requirements ), you will be suprised by Jalweg graphics ! Jalweg shapes are very simple (spheres, cylinders, ...) but if you think that it results in a bad looking game, look at the screenshots ! Believe me, your graphics card is no longer waiting for the CPU !

Jalweg was designed to play for short periods of time - and to have fun :) The replay functionnality allows you to send your best plays and - if you are good enough - to have your name in the hall of fame.

Can't wait more to try it ? Jump to the download section !


Quick documentation
Hall of fame
Credits and acknoledgements



In order to play Jalweg you need:

* if you don't have a video card compatible with this requirements, the game will work - but the graphics will not be as good. For a comparison of the graphics with and without the shaders, see below:


Jalweg uses complex lighting effects. Therefore do not expect an extremly high frame rate. If you find the game too slow for playing please send me an email describing your computer and the average frame rate you get (displayed at the bottom right corner of the screen).


Download, uncompress, have a look to the quick documentation and play !

Jalweg FULL version v1.1

Download (zip)

3.9 Mo

Jalweg unregistered v1.1

Download (zip)

3.9 Mo

Change log:

Quick documentation

All you need to know to play is described here !



In network the goal is to use your monster to kill the other players (not surprising ...). Your monster does not kill you. The round ends when a player frag count reaches 8. To play in network, use the launcher.



Use the launcher to easily configure and launch Jalweg. Just double click on "launcher.exe" (the program with a ball icon). You can host a game session by clicking on the "Host..." button, or join a game session by first searching for hosts and then clicking on the "Join !" button.

Command line arguments:

Example     jalweg -level uturn -full -size 800 600


Jalweg is now a freeware - but feel free to send me a kindly mail, a postcard or a few dollars ;) Why was Jalweg a shareware at its first release ? It is a lot of fun to make a game (and even more if someone else is playing it ;) But it is also a lot of work ! As I would like to continue to make games and as I also need to eat something (pizza is cheap, ok, but ... ;), I was trying to figure out if one can earn some money from shareware games. So Jalweg was a shareware - which did not make a single dollar ;)

Jalweg is a freeware.

This software comes without any warranty. Its author disclaims all warranties and conditions, either express or implied.

This software is protected by internationnal copyright laws.

 Jalweg - (c) Sylvain Lefebvre 2002-2003 - all rights reserved

Credits and acknoledgements

Hall of fame

You think you are good  at playing Jalweg ? Have a look at these replays and think twice before pretending anything :) (Some of these replays use levels only accessible to registred users - if you are not a registred user you will not be able to view them). If you can do better, let everyone be amazed by your skills, send your replay !

To watch a replay download the archive and uncompress it into the Jalweg directory. Each replay archive should contain two files: the replay data file and a batch file. To watch the replay, double click on the batch file.

Name Level Time (mm:ss:ms) Download replay Screenshot Adrenaline used Adrenaline gained
Tride arena 00:54:43 0 1
Tride corner 01:03:39 0 2
Tride diags 00:24:40 0 0
Tride fence1 00:25:54 0 4
Tride fence2 00:26:68 0 1
Tride first 00:29:96 0 2
Tride holes1 00:48:85 0 0
Tride stress 00:40:01 1 4
Tride tripod 01:12:26 2 4


01:07:71 0 1
Tride wheel 01:00:03 0 0

Bugs ?

I am trying very hard to make the game bug free ... but a bug knows well how to remain hidden from programers.
So if you find something strange, please send me a bug report at (do not forget to check that you have the latest version of Jalweg). Please describe your computer, your graphics hardware and driver version in your email.

The game was fully tested on the following graphics hardware:

Jalweg (c) Sylvain Lefebvre 2002-2003 all rights reserved